Clinically proven to keep you well

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What is MedWell?

What is MedWell?

MedWell is a wellness clinic dedicated to helping patients get well and stay well through the use of research-backed therapies and treatment modalities.

Every treatment we offer is designed to enhance natural healing and optimize overall well-being by reducing inflammation, improving circulation, and promoting cellular oxygenation in a safe, comfortable environment.

Our Services

Explore our range of treatment options designed to optimize your health. All MedWell services are safe, effective, and research-based.


EBOO, also known as Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation, is one of the most complete methods for administering ozone therapy to purify the blood. This process treats approximately 2 liters of blood using a specialized filter (similar to that used in hemodialysis) that is adapted for diffusing ozone and oxygen across a large surface area of blood. EBOO treatments last 60-90 minutes.

Learn more about EBOO


  • Improve circulation
  • Enhance cognitive function 
  • Boost energy levels
  • Optimize immune system 
  • Reduce inflammation 
  • Alleviate chronic pain 
  • Support detox pathways


Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is a medical treatment designed to increase oxygen to the blood, lungs, and tissues up to 400% to promote healing through an increase in pressure. Our clinic utilizes a hard-shell chamber with customizable pressure settings up to 2.0 ATM and at 95% oxygen. HBOT treatments last 60-120 minutes.

Learn more about HBOT


  • Promote healing of soft tissues, ligaments, and fractures
  • Optimize microcirculation and improve systemic circulation
  • Increase mental focus and energy
  • Reduce inflammation and pain
  • Increase serotonin levels


Enhanced External Counter Pulsation, or EECP, is a non-invasive way to boost your heart’s vitality. This treatment uses pulsed compression therapy to enhance blood flow to the heart and form new lasting pathways to reach your heart. EECP is an FDA-approved treatment for angina and coronary artery disease, and it can also help treat shortness of breath, heart failure, fatigue, and long covid symptoms. It can also help boost endurance, recovery, and overall performance for athletes. 

Learn more about EECP


  • Improved systemic circulation 
  • Reduce inflammation and joint pain
  • Reduce shortness of breath
  • Increased stamina
  • Increase exercise tolerance/endurance
  • Long-term symptom relief

IV Infusion Therapy

Deliver essential vitamins, minerals, and other vital nutrients directly into your bloodstream through IV infusion therapy. Our minimally invasive treatments are tailored to your specific health needs. All MedWell IV infusions are research-backed and compounded locally from all-natural ingredients with no synthetic fillers. IV infusions can also be combined with other treatments to enhance therapeutic effects.

Learn more about IV Infusion Therapy


  • Rapid hydration
  • Immediate nutrient uptake  
  • Tailored to your individual health needs
  • Enhanced energy levels
  • Boost immune system
  • Detoxification

Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy is a natural healing modality that uses specific wavelengths of light to stimulate beneficial processes in the body. MedWell uses a medical-grade LED device with seven unique wavelengths designed to penetrate the deepest tissues and muscles. Red light therapy is safe, painless, and non-invasive. Each treatment lasts 20 minutes.

Learn more about Red Light Therapy


  • Stimulate collagen production
  • Improve blood circulation
  • Reduce inflammation and pain
  • Increase muscle recovery
  • Support tissue regeneration
  • Regulate immune response
  • Stimulate the gut microbiome

Why Choose MedWell

Discover why MedWell stands out in providing superior wellness care.

Research-Backed Therapies

Every treatment we offer at our clinic is safe, proven, and effective, backed by extensive peer-reviewed clinical research.

Clinical Consults

Our providers meet with patients to provide education, develop treatment plans, and ensure treatment safety through lab work prior to treatment.

Pure Infusions

We only use IV infusions that are compounded locally with pure ingredients and are free of any synthetic compounds for a safer and more effective treatment.

Strict Adherence to Standards

Your safety is our top priority. We guard patient safety through rigorous lab tests and diagnostics to medically clear you for therapies.

Tailored Treatment Plans

There are no one-size-fits-all solutions in medicine. Our tailored treatment plans ensure your unique health needs and goals are met.

Top Quality Equipment

Our commitment to using the highest quality machines and infusions available ensures maximum therapeutic effectiveness.

Begin your wellness journey

Ready to take the first step towards a healthier, more vibrant life, but not sure where to start? We can guide you through understanding your treatment options and explaining how these therapies can align with your individual needs and health goals.

Conditions and symptoms we treat

Our clinically-proven therapies are designed to address a range of systemic health issues.

Long Covid and Vaccine Injury

  • Chronic Fatigue/ME-CFS
  • Cognitive dysfunction
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Headaches
  • Shortness of breath
  • Neuropathy
  • Sleep problems

Cardiovascular Disease

  • POTS 
  • Refractory angina
  • Chronic chest pain 
  • Coronary artery disease (CAD)
  • Peripheral artery disease
  • Congestive heart failure
  • High blood pressure

Anti-Aging/Regenerative Medicine

  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Psoriasis
  • Rosacia
  • Hairloss 
  • Obesity
  • Insomnia
  • Erectile dysfunction

Pain and Inflammation

  • Migraines
  • Arthritis and joint pain
  • Fibromyalgia 
  • Diabetic skin injuries
  • Sports injury
  • Wounds

Autoimmune Disease

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
  • Lupus
  • Multiple Sclerosis 
  • Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

Other Conditions

  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Lyme disease 
  • Infertility
  • Oral health
  • Kidney disease 
  • Restless leg syndrome

More about MedWell

At MedWell, our primary goal is to empower patients to actively improve their health, whether they’re managing chronic conditions, striving to maintain peak health, or are athletes looking to enhance recovery and improve performance. We understand that each journey to wellness is unique, and we’re here to support those journeys with personalized and effective treatments.

We promise to provide only research-backed therapies under the supervision of credentialed providers, ensuring you receive the safest and most effective care. Our treatments, ranging from hard-shell Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) to pure, locally-compounded IV infusions, represent the best in class. Every therapy is designed to offer systemic benefits, reducing inflammation, improving circulation, and optimizing cellular oxygenation to contribute to your overall well-being.

Patient comfort, education, and safety are at the core of our practice. We’re dedicated to creating an environment where you not only receive top-notch care but also feel understood and valued, fostering a trusting and compassionate clinic environment.

Dr. Jordan Vaughn, CEO of MedHelp Clinics in Birmingham, recognized the critical role of vascular medicine while treating Long COVID patients. His insights into how vascular issues and inflammation underlie many chronic conditions, including Long COVID, led him to opening MedWell Clinic in 2024. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Your pathway to wellness starts with clear, transparent answers. Contact us by phone or email if you don’t see your question answered below. Click on the question below to see the answer.

Do these treatments really work? How quickly can I expect to see results?

All of the treatments offered at MedWell Clinic are proven effective and backed by extensive peer-reviewed scientific research. However, natural therapies are not quick-fix solutions. While you may experience some initial relief, healing generally occurs over the course of several consistent treatments. Our providers can provide more information about each treatment and can recommend a care plan that will be most effective for you. 

Do you accept health insurance?

At this time, we are unable to accept insurance. All services are self-pay and out-of-pocket. We can take most HSA cards and can provide a basic receipt, but please note our receipts are not “super-bills” for insurance reimbursement.

Do you offer treatment packages?

Yes, we provide discounted packages for multiple sessions of the same therapy. We do not offer packages for combined therapies at this time. 

What kind of medical consultation do you offer?

Our medical consultation is designed to help patients determine the best course of treatment based on their specific medical needs and health goals.

Patients can schedule a no-obligation consultation with a provider when they’re not sure what treatments they need. Providers will consider medical history, current medical conditions, and health goals before recommending any treatments. 

For some therapies, patients will need to be medically cleared before beginning treatment. In addition to completing a thorough medical history, your provider will order any required labs or diagnostics. Patients must be medically cleared for HBOT, EECP, EBOO, and certain IV infusions. 

Are your treatments supported by clinical research?

Yes, all of our treatments are supported by clinical research. Contact our office for more information. 

What is your cancellation policy?

We require a 24 to 48-hour cancellation notice for all treatments or you will be charged a late cancellation fee depending on the service you were scheduled for. 

Can you combine treatments?

Yes, you can combine treatments. It can be particularly useful to combine IV infusions with other therapies to support or supplement the treatment’s effectiveness. Your provider can provide more information about combining treatments. 

How much does EBOO cost?

Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation (EBOO) is $900 per treatment. We recommend at least 3 60-minute sessions once a week and up to 12 sessions, depending on your medical needs and health goals.

1 session$900
3 pack$2,500
6 pack$5,100
9 pack$7,400
Late Cancellation Fee$200


How much does HBOT cost?

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is priced according to treatment length. One 60-minute session is $135. One 90-minute session is $185. HBOT is recommended for patients 3-5 times per week in increments of 10, 20, 30, or 40 sessions, depending on illness history and health goals.

 60-minute sessions90-minute sessions
1 session$135$185
3 pack$385$528
5 pack$610$830
10 pack$1,150$1,575

The late cancellation fee for all HBOT treatments, regardless of length, is $75.

How much do IV infusions cost?

Infusions of our basic IV formulations are $150. We also offer premium IV infusions (prices vary by treatment). 

How much does EECP cost?

Enhanced External Counter Pulsation (EECP) is $100 for a single session. However, when EECP is used to treat cardiovascular disease, it’s essential to maintain a consistent schedule of 36 60-minute sessions 3-5 times per week to develop permanent cardiac blood flow pathways. You can purchase a 36-session package for $3,600. 

Fewer sessions can help boost endurance and speed recovery time but do not have permanent results. 

The late cancellation fee for EECP is $50.

How much does Red Light Therapy cost?

Red Light Therapy is $45 per session. We recommend 3-5 20-minute sessions of Red Light Therapy for 4-12 weeks depending on your illness history and health goals. 

3 pack$130
5 pack$205
10 pack $385
Late cancellation fee$15
What can I expect from my first EBOO treatment?

Before your treatment, a nurse will take your vitals and check your blood glucose. Then, you’ll sit in a recliner and can choose something to watch on TV while we start two peripheral IVs. We will then hook the IVs up to the machine and begin treatment.

During treatment, you will have a certified technician with you at all times to tend to your needs. You may become flushed or get a feeling of warmth throughout the treatment. Toward the end of the treatment, you may feel lightheaded. Let your technician know how you feel so they can help you have a safe, comfortable treatment. 

While we can combat most side effects, you may feel more fatigued or experience flu-like symptoms in the 24-48 hours following your treatment as you detox. A Meyers/glutathione cocktail IV prior to your EBOO procedure can aid in detox and limit your post-treatment side effects.

An average EBOO session lasts 30-60 minutes. In the first session, we titrate your blood to ozone. Unless you have had an ozone treatment within the last three months, we need to slowly introduce the ozone to the blood. We recommend starting with at least 3 sessions of EBOO to see the most benefit, but our providers can develop a specific treatment plan tailored to your needs. 

We ask that all patients eat a heavy protein and carbohydrate meal 30 minutes before your treatment. It’s also important to stay hydrated in the days prior to treatment to ensure that your blood glucose levels stay normalized throughout treatment and that your veins have the best access.

Are there age requirements for EBOO treatment?

If you’re in stable condition and medically cleared, we can administer EBOO to almost anyone, regardless of age. We have treated patients as young as 10 and as old as 93. 

What is HBOT treatment like?

Before your HBOT treatment, you’ll undergo a thorough medical evaluation to clear you for treatment and determine the number and frequency of treatments that you will need. 

When you arrive for your treatment, you’ll enter our hard shell HBOT chamber, which is spacious and comfortable. You can unwind and relax in the recliner in our chamber; you can read a book, take a nap, or even watch your favorite show on TV. The chamber will be sealed, and the pressurization process begins.

During your treatment, you’re monitored by a trained HBOT technician and have a two-way phone that you can use for questions or if you are experiencing distress. You can expect to feel a fullness or popping sensation in your ears (like when flying in an airplane or driving through the mountains), but your technician will educate you on how to relieve this sensation as the pressure increases. You may also feel warm, but we have an air-conditioning unit inside the chamber that you can adjust as needed.

Each treatment session lasts from 60 to 90 minutes. After your treatment, you may feel tired or lightheaded, but these side effects are generally mild and temporary.

What can I expect to feel after an IV infusion?

You may feel an immediate boost of energy and clarity. However, it is normal to feel mild fatigue, headache, nausea, or light-headedness due to the “kick start” of cellular metabolism. 

How often should you get IV therapy?

Most patients benefit from IV infusion therapy one or two times each week, or at least once every two weeks. If you’re taking IV therapy for a specific medical condition, your provider will detail a specific treatment plan.

Is IV hydration better than drinking water?

Because IV fluids are injected directly into your bloodstream, these fluids reach your body’s cells more quickly than drinking water. One liter of fluids through IV infusion is equivalent to drinking 2.5 gallons of water. 

How long does IV infusion take?

Most infusions take 45 minutes to an hour. Some treatments last a little longer. Your provider will let you know how much time to plan for your specific infusion treatment.

What IV infusions are available?

Our current IV infusions include:

Premium Infusions: 

Myer’s Cocktail
Magnesium, Vitamin C, B12, and B Complex
This “do all” infusion is named after Dr. John Myers who combined certain essential vitamins and nutrients to treat several ailments. This infusion will help alleviate stress, improve immunity, provide hydration, and help reduce migraines and chronic pain. 
High Dose Vitamin C (50,000 mg)
Supercharge your immune system. High doses of Vitamin C can slow the formation of carcinogens and regulate immune response. 
Medium Dose Vitamin C (25,000 mg)
Start with a medium dose of Vitamin C before attempting a higher dose. 
NAD is a coenzyme associated with metabolism that improves the function of the mitochondria. This infusion can decrease signs of aging, increase overall energy levels and mood, and improve neurodegenerative disorders. 

Basic Infusions:

All of our basic infusions are $150. 

Defend Well
Vitamin C, B-Complex, Zinc, NAC
Get to feeling better faster, and flush out whatever your body is fighting.
Recover Well and Heal
Vitamin C, B-Complex, Mineral and Amino Acid blend
Designed to shorten the length of recovery after injury, workout, or even over-indulgence. 
Recharge Well and Get Focused
L-Taurine, B6, ALA
Helps improve overall brain function and decrease brain fog
Build Well and Get Lean
B12, L-Taurine, L-Lysine, B-Complex, L-Carnitine
Designed to help burn fat and boost metabolism 
Glow Well and Get Radiant
Vitamin C, B-Complex, Biotin, Proline, L-Lysine
Brings out a natural glow and boosts collagen production, fortifying all anti-aging properties from the inside out.
Hydrate Well 
B-Complex and Mineral Blend
Quench your cells, rehydrate, and combat fatigue.
Soothe Well 
B-Complex and Amino Acid blend, NAC
Alleviate your aches. Rehydrate and relieve sore muscles and chronic pain.
Detox Well
EDTA Ca/Disodium 
Used to treat acute and chronic lead poisoning by pulling toxins (including heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, and mercury) from the bloodstream.


Each IV Addition is +$50.

GlutathioneAn antioxidant that plays a crucial role in preventing cellular damage. It aids in the removal of toxins and helps DNA synthesis and repair.
Vitamin D3Facilitates healthy bone growth and overall immune system health. It also protects the lining of your blood vessels and reduces cardiovascular problems. It can also boost your mood and aid in weight loss.
Folic AcidHelps the immune system and aids in DNA/RNA synthesis. It can increase sperm count and motility for men as well as increase iron and hemoglobin levels for women with heavy menstruation. It helps manage homocysteine levels and can reduce the risk of blood clots. 

We can also further customize IV infusions based on your provider's recommendations and your health needs.

Can I get an IV infusion if I am pregnant or undergoing cancer treatment?

Pregnant patients or current oncology patients cannot receive an IV infusion without clearance from their obstetrician/oncologist. We may also require bloodwork prior to your infusion(s). 

What can I expect from my Red Light Therapy visit?

When you come to MedWell Clinic for Red Light Therapy, you will be taken to a private room where you can undress down to your undergarments. Then, you put on the recommended sunglasses and lay down on the exam bed underneath our Red Light panel.  A technician will be available to assist you and make adjustments to the light. 

During your 20-minute treatment, you may feel warm all over and experience a feeling of calm. Many patients take a nap during their treatment. 

Are there any side effects to Red Light Therapy?

There have been no reports of serious adverse side effects of red light therapy. Individuals with highly sensitive skin could experience temporary redness and tightness. This can be avoided with shorter treatments. Your provider will help you determine the appropriate length of time and frequency of Red Light Therapy to avoid side effects.

How is EECP an alternative to other cardiac procedures?

During EECP, the blood flowing to your heart will naturally bypass arteries with significant plaque and instead enter healthy, non-diseased blood vessels, avoiding blockages. These pathways are reinforced through your 36 treatments and will become lasting routes for blood to reach your heart beyond the blockages. This is why EECP is often referred to as a “natural bypass”. 

I have already had a bypass/cardiac surgery/angioplasty/stents. Can I still have EECP?

Yes, EECP is a safe, effective treatment for patients who have had previous cardiac surgeries and interventions. Your provider will ensure that treatment is safe for you before you begin EECP treatment.

What can I expect from my EECP treatment?

Prior to your visit, a nurse will take your vitals. You’ll lay down on a comfortable bed, and a trained technician will wrap cuffs (similar to blood pressure cuffs) around your calves, thighs, and buttocks. We will also place electrodes on your chest to monitor your heartbeat and a sensor on your finger to monitor your blood pressure.

During each hour-long session, the cuffs will inflate and deflate with your heartbeat. An EECP therapist will remain nearby to facilitate effective therapy and ensure patient comfort. The buttocks cuff can increase pressure across your lower pelvis, which may cause an urge to urinate. Because the treatment is an hour long, we ask that you refrain from drinking fluids for 30 minutes before your appointment time and use the bathroom immediately before treatment begins.

Get Started with MedWell

Take charge of your health and start your journey to a healthier, more vibrant life through our research-backed therapies.